Easily Analyze TOC/TNb and AOX in Wastewater and Brine Byproducts of Chemical Recycling of Plastics
June 19, 2024 | 4:00 PM CET
Web Seminar: Easily Analyze TOC/TNb and AOX in Wastewater and Brine Byproducts of Chemical Recycling of Plastics
Contents of this web seminar
When: Wednesday, June 19, 2024 4:00 pm CET (9:00 am CST)
Duration: ~60 min
Language: English
Speakers: Bernd Bletzinger, Product Manager TOC/TNb, Analytik Jena
Host: Simone Moos, Technical Product Manager, Analytik Jena
Recycling processes are crucial for establishing a circular economy for plastics. Chemical recycling in particular has the potential to launch us into a new era of recycling as it can deal with plastic waste that was previously considered to be end-of-life. Wastewater is a byproduct of chemical recycling, which must be treated before being discharged into rivers. Brine is another byproduct of desalination processes and must be further cleaned and analytically characterized before it can be used in other industries and products. Wastewater analysis often involves samples with high particulate content, requiring robust sample preparation and reliable analytical methods.
Join the web seminar and find out how to achieve fast and reliable measurement results in accordance with environmental regulations and make your lab work more efficient. Analytik Jena's analysis solutions in TOC/TNb and AOX testing for industrial wastewater effluents significantly reduce the effort needed for sample preparation and provide robust particle handling and reliable analysis of highly saline samples, while shortening measuring times. With compliant measuring methods, robust and maintenance friendly analytical equipment, we help you to adhere to legal standards.
This web seminar will highlight:
- Reliable TOC/TNb and AOX determination in complex wastewater sample matrices, covering wide concentration ranges
- Method and hardware adoptions to make the TOC/TNb analyzer suitable for high saline samples like brine
- Successful SPE-AOX analysis of highly saline samples
- Customized automation options for AOX sample preparation as well as for TOC/TNb and AOX analysis
Who should attend:
- Operators of chemical recycling plants
- Operators of petrochemical plants
Chemical Recycling: How Analytical Solutions Enable an Effective Circular Economy
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