Determination of Toxic Trace Elements Analytical solutions for toxic elements for better risk assesment

Over the last centuries a considerable increase of toxic elements such as arsenic, cadmium, lead and mercury in the environment has been observed. Human activities and industrialization in particular have contributed to significant release of these naturally occurring elements, hence leading to an accumulation in the food chain. These elements can have adverse effects on organisms and lead to severe illnesses, organ malfunction and even death. Analytik Jena offers diverse versatile techniques for the determination of toxic trace metals, allowing a reliable risk assessment and quality monitoring for food products.

Downloads Applications and expertise for the determination of toxic elements in food and agricultural products

Bestimmung von Spurenelementen und Mineralien in Speiseölen und -fetten mit HR ICP-OES (DE)

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Determination of Trace Elements and Mineral Contents in Edible Oils and Fats by HR ICP-OES (EN)

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Monitoring Drinking Water Quality With HR ICP-OES (EN)

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Überwachung der Trinkwasserqualität mit dem HR ICP-OES (DE)

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Quantitative Analysis of Cannabis and Hemp with HR ICP-OES (EN)

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Direct Analysis of Beer by HR ICP-OES (EN)

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Determination of Arsenic Species in Beverages by HPLC-ICP-MS (EN)

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Determination of Hg and As in milk powder

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Speciation of Arsenic in Rice by LC-ICP-MS on PlasmaQuant MS Elite (EN)

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Speciation of Arsenic in Apple Juice by LC-ICP-MS on PlasmaQuant MS Elite (EN)

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Impurities Analysis in Sunflower Oil by HR ICP-OES (EN)

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Determination of toxic traces of cadmium, lead, and thallium in food (EN)

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