Automated Cell Viability and Cytotoxicity Multiplex Real time Cell Viability and/or cytotoxicity in 96 format with the CyBio FeliX
Automated cell health assays
Rapid, 96-well cell viability and cytotoxicity has been optimized on the CyBio FeliX, facilitating high-throughput screening and quantification of your compounds. These assays are achieved by multiplexing RealTime-Glo™ MT Cell Viability Assay with the CellTox™ Green Cytotoxicity Assay from Promega. These assays can be used in isolation or in tandem as required by the method.
As part of the method, the CyBio FeliX prepares and aliquots cells at the desired volume. It also performs a serial-dilution of the active compound which is then stamped to the cells. Included is the option to pre-fill edge wells of the 96 well plate to minimize any edge effect of your cells.
Benefits of automating
Exact compound dilutions
Consistent cell plating
Parallel 96 treatment of cells
Scalable & reproducible
How to automate viability and toxicity assay setup
The automated cell health assay prepares a 96 well plate with cells and assay reagent, ready for the incubator. This can be performed with or without the outer edge wells if required. If outer wells are excluded, these are then filled with buffer instead.
A description of how we have automated the method is shown below. The code to automate this application is avalible upon request, and ready to run with your CyBio FeliX
Test compound dilution series
An 8-step serial dilution is prepared of your test compound. The dilution wells are filled with dilution media provided in the stock plate. Once prepared, the serial dilution is performed using the dilution factor prescribed by the operator.
Tell the CyBio FeliX your dilution factor for your serial dilution!
Edge-well prefilling
Some assays suffer from an edge-effect; data collected from the outer wells can differ from the inner wells. This is often attributed to the increased evaporation rate seen in these wells, and can be counteracted by certain lid and incubator combinations.
To minimize this edge-effect, we can choose to automatically prefill this edge wells with our buffer with the CyBio FeliX.
Cell plating and treatment
The CyBio FeliX multi-dispenses the required volume of cells from the stock plate to the assay plate, ensuring you get the exact amount required. These cells are already resuspended in the assay reagents so are ready to be treated.
The last step is a 96-well aspiration of the compound serial dilution. These are transferred in-parallel to our cells, ensuring all the cells are treated at the same time for enhanced reproducibility.
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