96 Plasmid Purification
with the Wizard MagneSil Tfx™ System
Automated plasmid purification with the MagneSil Tfx™ System from Promega
Achieve rapid isolation of transfection-quality plasmid DNA in a high-throughput format. Paramagnetic particles from Promega are the ideal companion for the CyBio FeliX, allowing for walk-away purification without using centrifuges or vacuum manifolds. With ready-to-go protocols in column and 96 format, Analytik Jena and Promega can help you achieve high-throughput plasmid purification.
Benefits of automating with paramagnetic particles
96 high throughput format
Transfection grade & endotoxin free
High purity & yield
Custom elution volume & plate
Press play and walk-away
Plasmid purification on the CyBio FeliX
The Promega Wizard MagneSil Tfx™ System has been optimised for plasmid purification with the CyBio Felix. Bacterial pellets are loading onto the robot, alongside required reagents for extraction. Reagents are sequentially added to purify the plasmid, with the final elution into a new 96 well plate.
Bacteria Lysis
Bacteria pellets in a 96 deep well plate are loaded onto a shaking module at the start of the purification.
A combination of shaking and tip-mixing is used to resuspend and lyse cells, releasing the plasmid into solution.
FeliX Tip; Culture bacteria in 96-well plates and load directly onto the FeliX!
Paramagnetic bead purification
Paramagnetic beads are resuspended by the CyBio FeliX before addition to the sample. Beads bind the plasmid in solution, before the on-deck gripper transfers the plate to the magnet.
Beads attracted to the magnet can then be safely washed without the risk of losing any plasmid.
A magnet & gripper means no hands-on time is needed!
Plasmid elution
Once the plasmid has been washed, the desired volume of elution buffer is added to the beads, where gentle shaking is applied to recover all the plasmid.
Plasmids can be eluted to your choice of plate to facilitate your downstream workflow.
FeliX Tip; Elute to a flat bottom plate and quantify your plasmid on a plate reader!
Plasmid yield and purity
Plasmid yield
Achieve a high plasmid yield and jump right into the next steps of your workflow.
Plasmid purity
Elute high purity plasmid without contamination and directly move to transfection or sequencing workflows as needed.
Get in touch to dicuss more about plasmid purification.
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