Automation Training Learn from experienced automation scientists and up-skill your team
- Beginner to advanced courses
- Hardware and software training
- Application and method devlopment
- Intergration and platform design
Take the hesitation out of automation
Explore our training opportunities with our applications team, and give your team the knowledge to become automation experts. Pick the training that is right for you and your team:
A.I Automation fundamentals for operators
B.I Method development with the CyBio FeliX & Composer
B.II Variable scripting with the CyBio FeliX & Composer
C.I Automated platform specialist
We also provide training course for specific applications and individual automated platforms. Get in touch to tailor training that suits your needs.
A.I Automation fundamentals for operators
Get your team automating with this introductory training. Designed for users with no automation experience, this course covers all the fundamentals involved for setting up and running automated devices. The training will focus on the relevant automation devices, including the CyBio family of liquid handlers, plate storage, and transport systems, as well as third party devices:
- Setting up and running methods
- Spotting and troubleshooting errors
- Best practices for automated devices
B.I-II Training for the CyBio FeliX & Composer
B.I Method development with the CyBio FeliX & Composer
Learn how to build and test your own automation methods. This training course takes you through running the CyBio FeliX with our Composer software. Learn the following:
- Choosing and teaching a range of labware
- Forward, reverse & multi-dispensing
- Handling non-aqueous liquids
- Moving plates with the on-deck gripper (when applicable)
B.II Intermediate scripting with Composer
Take your methods to the next step, with our advanced controls course for Composer. Write and test complex workflows with the skills you will learn in this course:
- Define and assign variables & perform calculations
- Read from and write to databases
- Dynamicaly asign wells & plate destinations from file or user inputs
C.I Automated platform specialist
Take control and automate multiple devices at once. This on-site training is typically designed around your automated platform, and will focus on each device used on your system. Learn how to do the following:
- Build and run end-to-end experiments
- Route transport systems to move labware
- Co-ordinate multiple automated devices together
Contact us and find out more about our bespoke training courses.
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