SPECORD PLUS Series Maximum Precision in UV/Vis

User-friendly − intuitive software, large sample chamber, easy exchange of accessories and lamps

Versatile and flexible − extensive range of accessories for liquid, gaseous, solid and powdered samples

Powerful and reliable − high-precision optics for precise analysis also for low concentrated and turbid samples, 10-year long-term warranty

Compliant to pharmacopoeias − hard- and software fully compliant to pharmacopoeias, special software module for FDA 21 CFR Part 11, Ph. Eur. and USP available

The SPECORD PLUS series includes UV/Vis instruments of outstanding precision and reliability, intuitive operation with a user-friendly and powerful software, and a very broad range of accessories. Whether routine analysis or complex applications, both UV/Vis novices and experts can easily achieve consistent and reproducible measurement results of highest quality. The SPECORD PLUS series offers the flexibility and ease-of-use to meet current and future analytical challenges.

Well Equipped for All Requirements

The SPECORD PLUS series is characterized by high-end technology for precise UV/Vis spectroscopic measurements and reliable results. The extended wavelength range in the UV range and in the NIR region from 185 to 1200 nm in combination with the various accessories for liquid, gaseous, powderous and solid samples ensures the UV/Vis spectroscopic analysis of a variety of molecules and compounds. The windows-based software is designed both for beginners as well as experts in UV/Vis spectroscopy and supports working according to the latest pharmacopoeia regulations and in highly regulated industries.

  • 10 year warranty on optics
  • Enlarged wavelength range
  • Additional position for turbid samples
  • Tool-free exchange of accessories and lamps

Download Product Information

The All-Rounder for UV/Vis Spectroscopy

As the requirements for analytical testing become more demanding and complex, as regulations and standards become increasingly stringent, the SPECORD PLUS family of instruments for UV/Vis analysis offers the fitting solution. A decade-long experience in spectroscopy in combination with innovative and intelligent engineering and a continuously updated software according to latest legal requirements results in the SPECORD PLUS spectrophotometer. The robust und function-driven design, including a 10-year warranty on optics, guarantees a reliable and durable spectrophotometer for many years of trustworthy results. The combination of deuterium and halogen lamps ensures a high energy intensity over the complete wavelength range and thus a high resolution even at the high and low wavelength regions. This is especially important for the extended wavelength range from 185 to 1200 nm, which exceeds the regular wavelength region not only in the UV range but also into the NIR range. Multiple and flexible applications are not only supported through the high accuracy and extended wavelength range, but also through the large number of accessories. Rectangular and cylindrical cuvettes with up to 10 cm can be used in the large sample compartment of the SPECORD PLUS spectrophotometer. Additionally, a holder for round cuvettes with variable diameters from 11 to 16 mm for all standard manufacturers is available. Also microvolume measurements are supported by special adapters for UVette, micro and ultra-micro cuvettes and Tray Cell for volumes as small as 4 µL. The center height can be adjusted for accurate results. Additionally, various temperature-controlled cell holder and cell changer, on demand also equipped with stirrer, are available. A special temperature sensor enables accurate temperatures settings of 0.1 °C. For high throughput analysis, autosamplers with up to 116 positions, fiber coupling with immersion probes, sipper systems and a cuvette carousel are available. Not only liquid and dissolved samples can be analyzed, but special equipment enables also the UV/Vis spectroscopic analysis of gaseous, solid and powdered samples. This applicational variety is supported by accessories such as the holder for absorption tubes, the integration sphere and additional accessories for scanning, transmission and reflection with adjustable angles and various diameters. The newly developed holder for contact lenses for transmittance measurements is available in different diameters. The large sample compartment does not only allow the flexible use of two accessories simultaneously, such as the 2x8-fold cell changer, but also a fast and convenient exchange of the individual accessories. As a special feature for uninterrupted measurement is not only the long lifetime of lamps, but additionally the tool-free and fast exchange of lamps.

The software ASpect UV is a powerful and flexible tool for the recording and analysis of UV/Vis data. The software is Windows based and is therefore intuitive for users. The easy handling is additionally supported through ten preinstalled languages, among them English, German, Spanish, French and Mandarin. The Quick Start function, which can be individually adapted, allows users the automated recording and analysis of UV/Vis data within just a few clicks. The additional modules for FDA 21 CFR Part 11, Ph. Eur. and USP enable pharma compliant measurements without much effort. Several levels of user management are preinstalled and can easily be modified and customized. The system with flexible digital signatures additionally facilitates the work in strictly regulated industries such as the pharmaceutical industry.

The outstanding hardware of the SPECORD PLUS spectrophotometer and the large number of accessories in combination with the flexible and powerful software ASpect UV support flexible applications in various industries:

Pharma & Life Science

  • High accuracy and good resolution for even higher precision then required by pharmacopoeias
  • High linearity and low stray light support the measurements according to the strict regulations by the pharmacopoeias
  • The analysis of DNA, RNA and proteins in small volumes is supported by special accessories and adapters (e.g. for Tray Cell, UVette and ultra-micro cuvettes)
  • Life Science applications are supported with the special temperature equipment for 10 to 60 °C
  • The peltier temperature controlled 6-fold cell changer from -5 to 105 °C supports applications such as the determination of melting points for DNA as well as time- and temperature dependent processes
  • The simultaneous use of two 8-fold cell changers supports the fast and convenient analysis of Dissolution procedures
  • One click raw material analysis is supported through the integrated Quick Start module
  • Fast determination of concentration of finished products can be achieved with the help of calibration curves
  • Large number of samples can easily be determined with the sipper system, carousel, fiber coupling equipment and autosampler with up to 116 positions
  • Modular software including optional modules for Ph. Eur., USP and FDA 21 CFR Part 11 including several levels of user management for individual assignment of rights and digital signatures
  • Certified reference materials and instrument validation through internal service technicians for the latest version of Ph. Eur. and USP pharmacopoeias available


  • High precision optics for the analysis of pollutants and toxic elements in small concentration
  • Special holder for round cuvettes for the fast analysis of water parameters with prefilled test kits
  • Special hardware position for the analysis of turbid samples to reduce stray light effects
  • Large sample compartment and cell holder for large cuvettes up to 10 cm enable easy detection also of low concentrated substances
  • Sample carousel, autosampler, sipper system, fiber coupling systems and flow cell technology for high throughput analysis
  • Quick Start module enables customized measurements and automated analyses within just a few clicks and leaves no room for errors

Food & Agriculture

  • Peltier temperature-controlled holder and cell changer for determination of oxidation and alteration processes
  • High precision for the analysis of low concentrated ingredients
  • Transmission and reflectance measurement for solid, liquid and powderous samples through the integrating sphere for the analysis of milk powder, cheese, flour, bakery products
  • Large sample compartment and cell holder for large cuvettes up to 10 cm enable easy detection also of low concentrated substances
  • Special hardware position for the analysis of turbid samples to reduce stray light effects
  • Quick Start module enables customized measurements and automated analyses within just a few clicks and leaves no room for errors
  • Special software module for the analysis of color according to DIN EN ISO 1164 (xyz, CIE, L*a*b), ASTM D 5386-05 (Platinum-Cobalt Scale), ASTM E 313 (yellowness and whiteness indices) and DIN ISO 4630 (Gardner)

Chemicals & Materials

  • Various accessories for solid samples for transmission and reflectance measurements also at variable angles
  • Special hardware for the identification of layer thickness
  • Special software module for the analysis of color according to DIN EN ISO 1164 (xyz, CIE, L*a*b), ASTM D 5386-05 (Platinum-Cobalt Scale), ASTM E 313 (yellowness and whiteness indices) and DIN ISO 4630 (Gardner)
  • Integrating sphere for the analysis of diffuse reflectance of liquids, solids and powders such as whiteness index of dental surfaces, sun cream and sun protection
  • Special adapter for the analysis of contact lenses
  • SPECORD PLUS Series – Maximum Precision in UV/Vis — 360° View

  • ASpect UV 2.0 Software – The Easiest Way to Measure your UV/Vis Samples

  • ASpect UV - Pharmacopeia Compliant Software With Special Module for FDA 21 CFR Part 11




Show applications


  • Determination of Concentration by Means of a Calibration Curve – Exemplified by Surfactant Measurements According to PD CLC/TS 50677:2019 (EN)

    Open application

  • Determination of Concentration by Means of a Calibration Curve – Exemplified by Surfactant Measurements According to PD CLC/TS 50677:2019 (DE)

    Open application

  • Spectrophotometric Determination of Standard Parameters in Wastewater According to Standard Methods (DE)

    Open application

  • Spectrophotometric Determination of Standard Parameters in Wastewater According to Standard Methods (EN)

    Open application

  • Probing the Chlorophyll a Concentration to Monitor Trophy Variations in Surface Water by UV/Vis Spectrophotometry According to DIN 38409-60 (EN)

    Open application

  • Concentration as an Indicator to Monitor Trophy Variations in Surface Water by Means of UV/Vis Spectrophotometry According to the DIN 38409-60 (DE)

    Open application

  • Determination of turbidity, color and SAC254 in surface water using UV/Vis spectroscopy according to DIN EN ISO 7027-1, DIN EN ISO 7887 and DIN 38404-3 (DE)

    Open application

  • Determination of turbidity, colour and SAC 254 in surface water by means of UV-Vis spectroscopy according to DIN EN ISO 7027-1, DIN EN ISO 7887 and DIN 38404-3 (EN)

    Open application

  • Bestimmung von Phosphor mittels UV/Vis-Spektroskopie nach DIN EN ISO 6878:2004 in Klärschlamm (DE)

    Open application

  • Determination of Phosphorus by UV/Vis Spectroscopy According to DIN EN ISO 6878:2004 in Sewage Sludge (EN)

    Open application

Food & Agriculture

Show applications


  • Measuring Color Intensity of Beer by UV/Vis Analysis (EN)

    Open application

  • Palm oil – UV/Vis spectrophotometric quality assessment along the value chain using the deterioration of bleachability index (DOBI) and carotene content according to ISO 17932:2011 (EN)

    Open application

  • Huile de palme - Évaluation de la qualité par spectrophotométrie UV/Vis le long de la chaîne de valeur en utilisant l'indice de détérioration de l'aptitude au blanchiment (DOBI) et la teneur en carotène selon la norme ISO 17932:2011 (FR)

    Open application

  • Palm Oil ‒ UV/Vis Spectrophotometric Quality Assessment Along the Value Chain Using the Deterioration of Bleachability Index (DOBI) and Carotene Content According to ISO 17932:2011 (DE)

    Open application

  • Spectrophotometric Determination of Chromatic Characteristics According to Compendium of International Methods of Wine and Must Analysis (DE)

    Open application

  • Spectrophotometric Determination of Chromatic Characteristics According to Compendium of International Methods of Wine and Must Analysis (EN)

    Open application

  • Spectrophotometric determination of potassium bromate concentration in bread based on the redox reaction between potassium bromate and promethazine in an acidic environment (EN)

    Open application

  • Spektrophotometrische Konzentrationsbestimmung von Kaliumbromat in Brot basierend auf der Redoxreaktion zwischen Kaliumbromat und Promethazin im sauren Milieu (DE)

    Open application

Technical Data

Show columns:

Photometric measuring range

Spectral resolution

Photometric accuracy (K2Cr2O7)

Wavelength range

Wavelength accuracy at 360.9 nm

Stray light at 340 nm (NaNO2)

SPECORD 200 PLUS Double-beam Spectrophotometer

-3-3 A 1.6-1.8 ±0.010 A 190-1100 nm ±0.5 nm ≤0.02 A

SPECORD 210 PLUS Double-beam Spectrophotometer

-3-3 A 2.3-2.5 ±0.010 A 185-1200 nm ±0.5 nm ≤0.01 %T

SPECORD 250 PLUS Double-beam Spectrophotometer

-3-3 A 2.3-2.5 ±0.010 A 190-1100 nm ±0.5 nm ≤0.005 %T

SPECORD 50 PLUS Spectrophotometer with split-beam technology

-3-3 A 1.6-1.8 ±0.010 A 190-1100 nm ±0.5 nm ≤0.02 A

For more information about our products and possible variants, please refer to the technical documents or use our contact form.


  • DIN 38405-9
  • DIN EN ISO 6878

Order Information

Order number


823-0200P-2-R SPECORD 200 PLUS including ASpect UV software (basis module)
823-0210P-2-R SPECORD 210 PLUS and variable slit width including ASpect UV software (basis module)
823-0250P-2-R SPECORD 250 PLUS and double monochromator including ASpect UV software (basis module)
822-0050P-2-R SPECORD 50 PLUS including ASpect UV software (basis module)

High-End Optical Components Combined with Clever Engineering for Unlimited Possibilities in Spectroscopy

High-end optics

At the heart of all of our instruments, the optical components are quartz coated and equipped with high-quality encapsulation. They guarantee highest quality, maximum performance and extreme durability. The monochromator with imaging holographic grating enables stray light reduction and absolutely precise measuring results. The minimized number of movable components ensure best reliability, notably improved signal-to-noise ratio and best energy throughput.

Real double-beam

Real double-beam mode for highest precision and a better long-term stability by measuring the sample and reference signal at exact the same moment.

The measurement results always show a current comparison of both beams. This way lamp fluctuation and drifts are corrected by the second beam. Furthermore a direct compensation of the blanc solution is possible.

Convincing details

Innovative technology – two temperature controlled detectors for outstanding long-term stability (SPECORD 210 PLUS and SPECORD 250 PLUS)

  • Pre-adjusted and voltage stabilized radiation sources
  • Internal holmium oxide filter for automatic wavelength calibration and for optimized wavelength accuracy and reproducibility
  • Variable spectral resolution includes the smallest details of the spectrum (SPECORD 210 PLUS and SPECORD 250 PLUS)

The SPECORD PLUS is developed for user friendly operation:

  • Intuitive software navigation
  • Instrument check and lamp check
  • Wide range of accessories
  • Automatic accessory recognition
  • Multilingual software
  • Plug and play
  • Large and easily accessible sample compartment

Routine or special analysis – the SPECORD PLUS guarantees flexible operation in all areas of application. Thanks to its extensive range of accessories and the modular software concept the device provides a unique individuality.


Peltier temperature controlled cuvette holder for SPECORD 50 PLUS, air-cooled, (10 °C to 60 °C)

For one cuvette with 10 mm path length, temperature accuracy +/- 0.1 °C, temperature control in block and cuvette via software, integrated magnetic stirrer

Order number: 820-60336-P

APG basis xyz-sampler

Autosampler for fully automatic quantitative sampling and analysis of up to 116 samples, automatic xyz sampler, with stirrer

Order number: 820-60300-0

Adapter for temperature probe for cuvettes with 10 mm pathlength and lid

For usage with Peltier temperature-controlled accessories

Order number: 820-60337-P

Aperture baffle

Enables measurements of micro cuvettes without blackened walls in cuvette changers, with three different aperture baffles

Order number: 820-60275-0

Holder for contact lenses

For the determination of transmittance of contact lenses. The holder is suited for contact lenses with different diameters (10 mm, 11.5 mm and 14.2 mm)

Order number: 820-60334-P

Cuvette adapter for plastic ultramicro cuvettes, center height 8.5 mm

Specially designed for small sample volumes, e.g. in the life science industry

Order number: 820-60328-0

Cuvette adapter for plastic ultramicro cuvettes, UVette

For the application of one Eppendorf microcuvette UVette with 2 or 10 mm path length without additonal Eppendorf adapter

Order number: 820-60322-0

Holder for absorption tube for larger samples

Specially designed for the analysis of liquid and gaseous samples

Order number: 820-60170-0

Cuvette adapter for plastic ultramicro cuvettes, center height 15 mm

Specially designed for small sample volumes, e.g. in the life science industry

Order number: 820-60327-0

Temperature probe and adapter for ultramicro cuvettes (set)

For usage with Peltier temperature-controlled accessories

Order number: 820-60271-0

Standard Immersion Probe

Stainless steel immersion probe with 10 mm path length and collimator connection

Order number: 820-60199-0

External liquid cooling thermostat RA 8

Thermostat for temperature-controlled accessories, temperature range from -25 °C to 85 °C, temperature constancy +/- 0.05 °C, bath volume 3-7.5 L, digital temperature display

Order number: 820-60147-0

External liquid thermostat A6

Thermostat for temperature-controlled accessories, temperature range from 25 °C to 85 °C, temperature accuracy +/- 0.05 °C, bath volume 2.5-5.5 L, analog temperature display

Order number: 820-60145-0

2x Peltier temperature controlled cuvette holder with external heat exchanger

For two cuvettes with 10 mm path length, -10 °C to 105 °C, temperature accuracy +/- 0.1 °C, temperature control in block and cuvette via software, integrated magnetic stirrer, only for SPECORD 2xx PLUS

Order number: 820-60249-P

2x Peltier temperature controlled cuvette holder, air-cooled, (-5 °C to 105 °C)

For two cuvettes with 10 mm path length, temperature accuracy +/- 0.1 °C, temperature control in block and cuvette via software, integrated magnetic stirrer, only for SPECORD 2xx PLUS

Order number: 820-60265-P

2x Peltier temperature controlled cuvette holder, air-cooled, (10 °C to 60 °C)

For two cuvettes with 10 mm path length, temperature accuracy +/- 0.1 °C, temperature control in block and cuvette via software, integrated magnetic stirrer, only for SPECORD 2xx PLUS

Order number: 820-60266-P


ASpect UV

SPECORD PLUS is equipped with the comprehensive basic software ASpect UV, which already contains numerous specific tools for individual applications. The modular construction of the software with additional software modules enables intuitive and precise work designed for each level of experience and requirements. It provides complete control, monitoring and logging of all processes from spectrometer to accessories and ensures compliance with FDA 21 CFR Part 11 (optional). The SPECORD PLUS spectrophotometer with the ASpect UV software can be connected to an existing LIMS. For data exchange the measuring results can be automatically and/or manually exported to Excel and/or as PDF files.

The basic software package contains the modules:

  • Photometry – for quantitative analyses or biochemical evaluations
  • Spectrum – for the evaluation and data treatment of spectra
  • Kinetics – for the measurement and evaluation of time-dependent analyses
  • Thermometry – for the measurement and evaluation of temperature-dependent analyses
  • Colorimetry – for the determination of color coordinates and color numbers

The software ASpect UV is windows-based and offers a variety of options for data acquisition and analysis. Starting with measurements including evaluation with just a few clicks using the Quick Start function, the automatic creation of calibration curves, and the special applications with complex calculations of the individual measured values, the ASpect UV software is suitable for both beginners and experts in UV/Vis spectroscopy. In addition, the user management system supports easy and standard-compliant work in highly regulated environments (optional). The AJ file protection is certified by Microsoft and protects against intentional and unintentional data manipulation (optional). The flexible system of digital signatures and the automatic storage, including a time stamp, also facilitates pharmacopoeia-compliant work with the SPECORD PLUS spectrophotometer (optional).

Product Required Included
SPECORD 200 PLUS Double-beam Spectrophotometer (823-0200P-2-R)
SPECORD 210 PLUS Double-beam Spectrophotometer (823-0210P-2-R)
SPECORD 250 PLUS Double-beam Spectrophotometer (823-0250P-2-R)
SPECORD 50 PLUS Spectrophotometer with split-beam technology (822-0050P-2-R)

Ph. Eur. 11 Compliance - additional validation module for ASpect UV

Order number: 820-60285-P

The optional validation module Ph. Eur. 11 Compliance for the ASpect UV software supports compliant work according to the current European Pharmacopoeia 11 without much effort. The validation with certified reference materials includes wavelength accuracy, absorbance, linearity, spectral resolution and stray light, the results are stored and logged. The combination of SPECORD PLUS and ASpect UV exceeds the strict requirements of Pharmacopoeia on both the hardware and software side.

Product Required Included
SPECORD 200 PLUS Double-beam Spectrophotometer (823-0200P-2-R)
SPECORD 210 PLUS Double-beam Spectrophotometer (823-0210P-2-R)
SPECORD 250 PLUS Double-beam Spectrophotometer (823-0250P-2-R)
SPECORD 50 PLUS Spectrophotometer with split-beam technology (822-0050P-2-R)

AJ Compliance - additional validation module for ASpect UV

Order number: 820-60317-P

The optional AJ Conformity validation module for the ASpect UV software is used to check specific device parameters with certified reference materials according to Analytik Jena specifications. This validation is performed without great effort and is specially developed for regulated work even outside the pharmaceutical industry. The validation includes absorbance, wavelength accuracy, stray light, spectral resolution and long-term stability, and the results are stored and logged.

Product Required Included
SPECORD 200 PLUS Double-beam Spectrophotometer (823-0200P-2-R)
SPECORD 210 PLUS Double-beam Spectrophotometer (823-0210P-2-R)
SPECORD 250 PLUS Double-beam Spectrophotometer (823-0250P-2-R)
SPECORD 50 PLUS Spectrophotometer with split-beam technology (822-0050P-2-R)

USP – NF Compliance - additional validation module for ASpect UV

Order number: 820-60315-P

The optional validation module USP - NF Compliance for the ASpect UV software supports compliant work according to the current United States Pharmacopeia 857 - NF, as well as the previous versions from version 38 without much effort. The validation with certified reference materials includes wavelength accuracy, absorbance, linearity, spectral resolution and stray light, the results are stored and logged. The combination of SPECORD PLUS and ASpect UV exceeds the strict requirements of Pharmacopoeia on both the hardware and software side.

Product Required Included
SPECORD 200 PLUS Double-beam Spectrophotometer (823-0200P-2-R)
SPECORD 210 PLUS Double-beam Spectrophotometer (823-0210P-2-R)
SPECORD 250 PLUS Double-beam Spectrophotometer (823-0250P-2-R)
SPECORD 50 PLUS Spectrophotometer with split-beam technology (822-0050P-2-R)

FDA 21 CFR Part 11 Compliance - additional module for ASpect UV

Order number: 820-60287-P

The optional add-on module FDA 21 CFR Part 11 Compliance for the ASpect UV software supports easy and standard-compliant work in the highly regulated work environment. Multiple levels of pre-programmed users and flexible user management are available. A dynamic and customizable system of electronic signatures for methods and results with default signature order adapts to modern laboratory work. Audit Trail and AJ File Protection ensure compliance with regulations and data integrity standards.

Product Required Included
SPECORD 200 PLUS Double-beam Spectrophotometer (823-0200P-2-R)
SPECORD 210 PLUS Double-beam Spectrophotometer (823-0210P-2-R)
SPECORD 250 PLUS Double-beam Spectrophotometer (823-0250P-2-R)
SPECORD 50 PLUS Spectrophotometer with split-beam technology (822-0050P-2-R)

SOAP interface - additional module for ASpect UV

Order number: 820-60348-P

The SOAP interface module is an add-on module that offers a SOAP interface with which the SPECORD PLUS control software ASpect UV can be controlled via external Laboratory Information Management or Lab Execution Systems. With this enabled, methods can be configured, measurements can be conducted, and the results can be transferred back to the LIMS/LES system. It comprises the interface module and the documentation, but the implementation into the external LIMS/LES system will have to be provided by the customer or LIMS provider.

Product Required Included
SPECORD 200 PLUS Double-beam Spectrophotometer (823-0200P-2-R)
SPECORD 210 PLUS Double-beam Spectrophotometer (823-0210P-2-R)
SPECORD 250 PLUS Double-beam Spectrophotometer (823-0250P-2-R)
SPECORD 50 PLUS Spectrophotometer with split-beam technology (822-0050P-2-R)



Order numberName
402-886.319Sample vials 30 mL for autosampler APG 64 / APG basis, 78 x 28 mm
402-000.005Sample vials 50 mL for autosampler APG 64 / APG basis, 80 x 33 mm


Order numberName
820-60091-0Standard cuvettes: Glass, 10 mm path length, 3500 µL volume, 4 pieces
820-60099-0Standard cuvettes: Quartz, 10 mm path length, 3500 µL volume, with lid, 4 pieces
820-70018-0Cuvette: Quartz, 10 mm path length, 3500 µL volume, with lid
820-70021-0Cuvette: Quartz, 50 mm path length, 17500 µL volume, with lid
820-70010-0Cuvette: Glass, 10 mm path length, 3500 µL volume, with lid


Order numberName
820-60267-PHalogen lamp with adjusted base for SPECORD PLUS
820-60274-CDeuterium lamp with adjusted base for SPECORD PLUS and SPECORD PLUS Dissolution

Miscellaneous parts

Order numberName
820-60024-0Stirring magnets, round, 2 x 5 mm


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